Drug Discount Card
Drug Discount & Pharmacy SearchHow does my ntiDirectCare drug discount card work?
- Simply present this card to a participating pharmacy to receive a discount on your prescription.
- Use for anyone in your household, no financial, age or residency restrictions
- Free to use, no fees are charged at the pharmacy.
- No registration and the program is anonymous, no personal tracking
- Use as often as needed
- This card never expires and is active for immediate use
What drugs are covered?
- Prescription drugs
- Over-the–counter medicines if written as a prescription
- Medical supplies if written as a prescription
- Pet prescriptions purchased at a pharmacy
- You will save on most, but not all prescriptions
What if I have insurance?
Anyone can use the card, but it can’t be combined with insurance. You can use the card instead of insurance if:
- A drug is not covered by your insurance
- The card offers a better price than your copay
- The card offers a better price than your high deductible health plan (HSA)
- Remember, this card is not valid in combination with a private insurance plan, Medicare including Part D, Medicaid or any state or federal prescription insurance. Only use this card if you choose not to use your insurance.
Can I combine my ntiDirectCare drug discount card with other discount offers?
No, your card cannot be combined with any other offers. Your card is a standalone discount card and cannot be combined with other offers
Can I use my ntiDirectCare drug discount card as a replacement for my ntiDirectCare member card?
No, This card is only valid at pharmacies; use your ntiDirectCare member card at dental, vision and hearing providers.
I have a question. How do I get an answer?
Email customerservice@ntidirectcare.net or call us at 717-397-1171 | 717-742-0620.